Salas1x - Rockstar Games Fan Club

Salas1x is more of a gaming fan club then a real business. They are fans of such game developers such as Rockstar Games, Activistion, and even Disney. Salas1x plays online with the following PSNs..
Salas1x PSN - Salas1x
Ernesto Salas, Salas1x Publisher PSN - Ernesto_Salas
Rockstar Games PSN - PlayRockstar.

Ernesto Antonio Salas Logo - Creator of Salas1x

Ernesto Antonio Salas created Salas1x. He is a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto Series, and has played every
GTA made. He had completed every campaign in the series, and finished Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare 100%. Rockstar Games had always been his favorite game developer since he had first played
San Andreas.